We produce premium-quality feeds for your animals and offer dedicated technical support. From optimizing nutrition to managing farm operations, we’re committed to helping you achieve both your animals’ well-being and your business’s success.

We deliver 360° expertise in swine production, providing exceptional nutrition formulation that supports the health and growth of hogs, from pilgets to breeders.

Broiler & Layer
We offer complete nutrition for every stage of your chickens, fortified with vitamins and minerals to support optimal growth and egg production.

Duck & Quail
We support optimal laying and egg quality for ducks and quails with feeds designed to help your birds reach their full potential.

We develop nutritionally advanced feeds that are designed with superior ingredients to enhance nutrient bioavailability for aquaculture.

We produce premium-quality pet food products for dogs and cats, ensuring they get the best nutrition for a healthy and happy life.

We deliver specially formulated gamefowl feeds rich in vitamins and minerals, providing nutrients necessary for optimal gamefowl performance and production.

Animal Health
We help you grow your business with precisely designed animal health products, ensiring your animals are able to reach their full potential.