Pilmico’s meat cutting facility in Tarlac achieves safety milestone
Tarlac Meatmasters, the triple A-accredited meat cutting facility of Pilmico Animal Nutrition Corporation (Pilmico), achieves a safety milestone. The facility reached over 1 million safe-man hours without any lost time, injury or accident from September 2020 to March 2022.
“This milestone we’ve achieved proves how we’re committed to upholding safety in the workplace, especially since we’re in the food industry. We assure our customers that we adhere to all protocols to provide them quality products,” said Hendel P. Cabral, Vice President of Farm Sales and Meat Operations of Pilmico.
To prevent the entry of illnesses such as COVID-19, regular temperature checks are done before entering the facility, social distancing is practiced, and constant disinfection is done throughout the site. Meanwhile, team members go through rigorous handwashing and sanitation and wear complete protective gear on-site to ensure their safety.
This milestone reveals that the Tarlac Meatmasters team practices all safety protocols and strictly follows health standards, especially at a time when diseases are widespread in both animals and people. Having accomplished this achievement early on is a testament to Pilmico’s high regard for the caliber of its products and the safety of its team members. Furthermore, it proves their commitment to excellence in the workplace for years to come.
The facility located in Bamban, Tarlac was only established in 2020 but it has already achieved a significant milestone under its belt. It is furnished with high-grade equipment and advanced technologies in pork processing to ensure the safety and quality of the meat they produce daily.
Tarlac Meatmasters also processes the pork meat products of The Good Meat, Pilmico’s meat retail brand, before they are served in supermarkets and stores in Greater Luzon.